Homecoming Dance

The calendar is flipping to October and that means it is time for SPIRIT WEEK here at Corinth High School.  Please see the schedule of events planned for the next 8 days.  Get ready to show off your school spirit!


School Day Theme

Featured Sporting Events

Saturday 10/1

5:00 Varsity Field Hockey

7:00 Varsity Boys Soccer “CUP Game”

Monday 10/3

Adam Sandler (Baggy-Mismatch) Day

7:00 Varsity Boys Soccer

Tuesday 10/4

Band-Tee Tuesday

5:30 Varsity Field Hockey

Wednesday 10/5

Orange and Black Day

7:00 Varsity Girls Soccer

Thursday 10/6

Sports Jersey Day

1:45 Pep Rally

Friday 10/7

Formal Friday (Picture Day)

6:00 Varsity Volleyball “Pink Game”

7:00 Varsity Football

Saturday 10/8

DANCE 7:30-9:30